How to BEAT the HEAT in Your Classroom

If I had to choose between heating or air conditioning in my classroom there is no question that I would choose heat. I work in a rural upstate New York district where the snow is plenty and the heat waves are scarce. But when we do start to melt into the furniture, I have a few tricks I use to help beat the heat.


I know, I know. People think that if you have your windows open it will allow for a breeze and circulation. That is true. But, if there isn't a breeze, all you are doing is giving a free pass for the heat and humidity to come barreling into your room. Keeping your blinds down and your windows closed will keep the heat and humidity out. If you can open the windows at night (when it's cooler) and then close them into the morning, that's even better!

The only exception to this trick is when placing a fan in the window. This can be tricky so consider the following options before setting your fan to full blast:

Option One:
If the temp outside is cooler than inside, place your fan so that it brings air into your classroom.

Option Two:
If the temp outside is warmer than inside, place your fan so that it blows air out of your classroom. (This works really well in situations when the hallway temps are lower than inside your classroom.)

beat heat in elementary classroom

#2 DRESS SMART (this includes your shoes)

Wear clothes that flow when you walk and will not stick to your skin. I have a colleague that despises skirts. But when the temps reach into the 90's she'll endure them because they give her more ventilation!

Avoid wearing jewelry that hangs down or will stick to you. This includes earrings and bangle bracelets. It's bad enough when my forearms stick to the tables, I don't want to deal with bracelets sticking to me too.

If you must wear "professional" shoes, keep a pair of flip flops handy. It's common practice for me to start the day in standard shoes and then switch to flip flops as the day wears on and the temps continue to rise. My feet may swell to those of Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Status but at least they are as comfortable as possible.

beat heat in elementary classroom


It amazing how much cooler you can feel after a freeze pop. Grab a bundle and throw them in the freezer. When the mid-day sun starts to cook you like a pizza in an oven, go grab those freeze pops and cool down.

beat heat in elementary classroom


We all have those spots in our schools that don't follow the average temperatures of the rest of the building. It can be a hallway or a specially air conditioned computer lab. Wherever it is, take your students there for a mini-field trip. Have them bring a book or bring a quiet activity they can complete. The break from the room's heat and a change of scenery can help when temps tip toward the top of the thermometer. 


In those rare cases when it's cooler outside than inside, get out! I will have students bring a chair (or a blanket, or a towel from home) and a book and we head toward shade and breeze. Just like finding the icebox breaks up the monotony and the heat, heading outside will do the same.

beat heat in elementary classroom

Stay cool everyone!