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Thank You TpT Community!

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much to be thankful for. As I sat down to write a new post I kept swirling ideas around in my head trying to figure out which topic and direction I wanted to pursue this month. A list? Comedy-driven? Family versus Work? It felt like an impossible choice. Then, the light bulb went on: TpT (or, rather, the TpT Community).

I have had a whirlwind 6 months. It all started last April. I took a chance, stepped outside my bubble, and attended the 2016 Northeastern Regional TpT Meet-Up and it's been "go time" ever since: Instagram! FB! Blogging! Not to mention dabbling in Periscope and Blab!

So, I dedicate this post to the TpT Community and the people who have been such an inspiration to me as I continue on this journey.

I'm thankful for...

The Flock: you create and deliver an unbelievable experience for TpTers. I never realized how much of a bubble I was in until I attended the Meet-up. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pop that bubble and reach out to fellow TpTers.
Literary Sherri (Middle School Resources)
Brain Waves Instruction (Middle School Resources)
Ellen Weber (Secondary Resources)
Selma Dawani (Primary through Middle School Resources)
Yay for Pre-K (Primary Resources)
The Classroom Nook (Intermediate Resources)
Kinders in NY (Primary Resources)

Some AH-MAZING people I met while there:
Second Grade Estrellas (Elementary and Bilingual Resources)
Leigh Sanna (Primary Resources)
Keri Brown (Primary Resources)
Special Teacher for Special Kids (Elementary Resources)
Miss Chantal Cares (Elementary Resources)


Tabitha Carro
Flapjack Educational Resources (Elementary Resources)
Smartphone Marketing School (Market Your Business With Just Your Smartphone)
Flapjack Factory (Learn How to Create Your Own Resources)

Hallie Sherman
Speech Time Fun (SLP Resources)
Teacher Blogging School (Learn How to Blog Like a Boss)

The CNY Group
Learning Lab (Elementary and SPED Resources)
Reading in Room 11 (K-5 Reading Resources)
Teaching Eternity (ELL Resources)

Blog Queens (They made this Blog sooooo pretty!)

Instagram Peeps
You are the place I go to when I want a "pick-me-up". Thank you for making my feed a funny, caring, and motivating place to be. 

I am now living outside my bubble. I've got a lot going on and things continue to float along. But, I've learned that there is an incredible community of educators out there and someone is always around to keep you going. With all the avenues we have today, there is no reason to live inside a bubble.

If you are ready to pop your bubble and take a chance, click the link below and come say "Hi" to me in April. Hope to see you there!

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